Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Upper cervical care receives high profile endorsement from Montel Williams

Those of you familiar with talk show host Montel Williams may know that he has suffered with multiple sclerosis over the past 6 years. Montel has openly discussed the severe degree of pain he experiences regularly in both of his legs and feet, as well as postural balance challenges since being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. He continued to "soldier" on with his show in spite of these difficulties.

Montel decided to give upper cervical chiropractic care, specifically an instrument adjustment, a try in his quest for relief of any kind. Much to his surprise, Montel describes his experience, "it's the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me!" He experienced a substantial level of relief beginning with his first adjustment. Since he has been under upper cervical chiropractic care, Montel's friends have remarked that even they notice a marked change in his posture and gait. Not only is his pain significantly reduced, but the strength in his legs is returning.

Montel felt so strongly about his chiropractic treatment that he devoted a show segment to describing his experience and even interviewing his chiropractor, Dr. Patrick Kerr, as a guest of the show. The story video can be accessed on YouTube if you query Montel Williams upper cervical chiropractic.

I have seen many patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis throughout my chiropractic career. Though they all presented with unique symptoms and challenges, the common denominator for their Precision Cervical Correction experience was that the reduction in pain and increased level of physical function made their lives better. Like with so many conditions that find help under upper cervical chiropractic care, it is a shame that the only way for people to know that this potential for hope is available would be for stories like this to receive more distribution.

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